
Old Testament and the Book of Mormon

Specific verses that parallel or expand on the Old Testament in the Book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon and the Old Testament cover many of the same principles, and interlock very well. Neither is separate from the other. They are the stick of Joseph and the stick of Judah.

While the Old Testament has obscure passages, the Book of Mormon has ones that are glossed over. It takes a lot of careful looking in the Book of Mormon to see that a verse's theme is covered more extensively in the Old Testament. It's much easier usually to go the opposite way, but when the Old Testament can illuminate, it just makes the scriptures so much more valuable.

In many cases, the exact details are not the same, but it is the same event overall. For instance, a prophet causing a famine, a congregation before the temple, anointing, method of prophecy, etc.

Looking for obscure passages or singular events in the Book of Mormon (the sabbath, singing praises, hanging on a tree, Moroni's lament about his own weakness) helps connect it to the Old Testament where they are more in detail. It's easy to find passages that stand out in the Old Testament, but it's hard to find passages in the Book of Mormon that normally go unnoticed. The Book of Mormon is so bold, that I'm not accustomed to looking for the hidden verses that are small and simple. It requires a close reading.


  • prophets
  • miracles
  • wonders
  • visions
  • wars
  • temples
  • the priesthood
  • apostasy
  • kings and rulers
  • angels
  • prophecies
  • songs
  • ancient doctrine
  • marriage in the covenant
  • law of Moses
  • exodus
  • scattering of people
  • gathering of Israel


  • Enos 1:22 - many prophets
  • Jarom 1:5 - people keep the law of Moses
  • Jarom 1:11 - purpose of the law of Moses
  • Jarom 1:14 - other records
  • Omni 1:1 - geneaology
  • Omni 1:20 - Mosiah a prophet translates records
  • Omni 1:7, 12-13 - exodus, the righteous are spared
  • Omni 1:20-22 - ancient records
  • Words of Mormon 1:7 - the Holy Ghost whispers (1 Kings 19:11-13 - Elijah and the still small voice)
  • Words of Mormon 1:16-17 - false prophets, law, holy prophets, holy men, power and authority
  • Mosiah 1:3 - plates of brass, prophecies
  • Mosiah 1:4 - judges appointed
  • Mosiah 1:5 - patriarchal order
  • Mosiah 1:8 - other books (2 Chronicles 33:18)
  • Mosiah 1:11 - a new name (also Alma 23:16-17)
  • Mosiah 1:16 - sacred instruments, the sword of Laban, the Liahona
  • Mosiah 1:17 - famines, afflictions
  • Mosiah 2:13 - righteous kings (1 Samuel 8:13 - daughters to be bakers)
  • Mosiah 2:25 - less than the dust
  • Mosiah 2:22 - keep commandments
  • Mosiah 3:2-5 - angelic visit proclaims coming of Christ
  • Mosiah 3:13 - God sends prophets among all men
  • Mosiah 3:25 - the wicked will suffer damnation, fire and brimstone
  • Mosiah 4:-13 - a congregation makes a covenant (Numbers 16:19) and the Holy Ghost falls on all of them
  • Mosiah 5:3 - people have spirit of prophecy following a great pouring out of the Holy Ghost (Numbers 11:29)
  • Mosiah 5:7 - with covenants, people are adopted
  • Mosiah 6:1 - record-keeping, the names of followers are written in a book (Malachi 3:16)
  • Mosiah 6:2 - age of accountability
  • Mosiah 6:3 - a king is consecrated (2 Kings 9:1-6, 1 Samuel 16:11-13)
  • Mosiah 8:26 - slain prophet (Nehemiah 9:26)
  • Mosiah 8:12-13,17 - seers translate using stones
  • Mosiah 14:29-31,33 - strict law of Moses, because of hardness of the hearts of Israel
  • Mosiah 16:3 - fall of Adam (Genesis 3)
  • Mosiah 18:25 - the sabbath day
  • Mosiah 23:6-8 - counsel to not appoint a king
  • Mosiah 23:17 - priests are consecrated (Exodus 28:41)
  • Mosiah 24:23 - the Lord miraculously stops an army (Genesis 13:23-28)
  • Mosiah 26:33-36 - a prophet stands as a judge (Exodus 18:21-23)
  • Mosiah 29:11-25 - counsel to appoint judges instead of a king (Alma 4:16)
  • Mosiah 29:21-23 - what an unrighteous king will do
  • Alma 5:5 - people are delivered from bondage (Exodus 3:7-10, Deuteronomy 5:6)
  • Alma 10:2 - writing on a wall (Daniel 5)
  • Alma 10:6 - the Lord reveals the enemy's battle plans to the prophets
  • Alma 10:7 - an angel tells Amulek to feed a prophet (1 Kings 17, 2 Kings 4)
  • Alma 13:17-19 - the prophet Melchezidek (Genesis 14:18, Psalms 110:4)
  • Alma 19:22-23 - miracle, a man is slain by the power of God
  • Alma 26:8 - sing to his praise (1 Chronicles 16:9, Psalms 71:22)
  • Alma 30:7 - law says that man can worship who they will
  • Alma 32:4-11 - psalm of thanksgiving
  • Alma 33:18-21 - the brazen serpent that Moses raised up in the wilderness (Numbers 21:9)
  • Alma 42 - the fall of Adam
  • Alma 43:46 - people must defend themselves by war if necessary
  • Alma 45:18-19 - Alma is translated
  • Alma 58:11 - the Lord assures them of success
  • Helaman 3:14-16 - many books, scattering
  • Helaman 3:27 - call upon the Lord
  • Helaman 4:25 - the Lord will not preserve people in wickedness
  • Helaman 6:28 - the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9, Ether 1:33-37)
  • Helaman 8:19-22 - prophets in Jerusalem
  • Helaman 10:6-11 - a prophet is given the sealing power (Jeremiah 1:7-10)
  • Helaman 11:4-5 - a prophet causes a famine (2 Samuel 21:1)
  • Helaman 13:4 - a prophet preaches repentance (Jonah 3:4)
  • Helaman 13:26-28 - false prophets (Jeremiah 12:10)
  • Helaman 15:1 - desolation (Isaiah 5:9, Micah 7:13)
  • 3 Nephi 4:28-29 - hanged on a tree (Deuteronomy 21:22-23 - the original commandment, Joshua 10:16)
  • 3 Nephi 4:30 - call upon God for protection (Nahum 1:7)
  • 3 Nephi 5:23-26 - the gathering of Israel
  • 3 Nephi 16:12-13 - riches, class society (Ezekiel 28:5, Proverbs 13:8, Proverbs 28:6)
  • 3 Nephi 6:27-28 - evil judges (Micah 7:2-3)
  • Mormon 4:5 - the Lord uses the wicked to punish the wicked (Isaiah 10:12 - the stout heart of the king of Assyria)
  • Ether 1:41-43 - gather flocks, seeds, to create a new nation
  • Ether 2:5 - the Lord goes before them in a cloud (Exodus 13:21-22)
  • Ether 6:19 - patriarchs gather family before going down to grave (Genesis 49:1-2)
  • Ether 12:23-25 - prophets feel incapable of their calling (Jeremiah 1:6-8)
  • Ether 14:21-23 - their carcasses will lie upon the earth (Jeremiah 16:3-4)
  • Moroni 7:30-31 - purpose of angels
old_testament_and_the_book_of_mormon.txt · Last modified: 2011/12/27 22:23 by steve